星期五, 9月 29, 2006


調左上呢個部門差唔多兩個月,我拍檔o係星期二下晝開始放大假,點知就o係o個日下晝開始忙,個個officer都比o野我打,我最唔識入倉o既程序,返左咁耐只係遇到一單,所以我完全唔識做,點知由o個日下晝到今日,已經入左差唔多10 單,係唔係玩o野呀~~~~



星期四, 9月 28, 2006

Concert of Jeff's Cheung

My friend call me at 5:00pm last Friday and ask me want to go to watch the concert of Jeff Cheung or not? She have a free ticket and the seat quiet good. I promised her and go together around 8:00p.m.

I didn't believe that the seat is the first row and the middle of the stage~~~~~
If I can having this kind of ticket for F4 concert, i will be crazy.

The voice of Jeff is quiet good, but his image is horriable~~~ He received many bouquet by the fans.

This is the 1st time that i can be watching the concert very comfortable~~~~~