星期五, 10月 20, 2006
星期四, 10月 19, 2006
今晚我朋友又比左兩張亞Paul o既演唱會飛比我,不過冇上次咁正坐第一行,今次坐第17行,開3面臺,當然係坐唔滿啦,不過o黎睇演唱會o既大部份都係o的好rock打扮o既人,我都諗住可以乘機大叫o下發洩o下情緒,一開場見到下面o的觀眾已經擁o西去臺前,咁開場又幾特別o既,每個樂手著住西裝行出o黎扮打卡收工,而今晚o既鼓手係恭碩良,最後出場o既亞Paul戴住眼鏡出o黎,駛唔駛咁斯文呀? 唱左幾隻慢歌,死啦,都未聽過o既,跟住就播左一段由軟硬扮rock友o既片段,係成晚我最覺得好睇o既一part,跟住亞Paul換衫出o黎再唱左幾隻快少少o既歌,同埋兩首國語歌,又係未聽過o既,跟住o既嘉賓係Solar,唱左"海嘯"同埋一隻英文歌,係我今晚第一次聽到一隻我識o既歌,跟住佢再出場唱左幾隻o的音樂好夠rock o既歌,但係我都係未聽過,反而o係度見到o個o的rock友打扮o既觀眾睇到係又un,唔係又un,覺得好好笑,跟住聽到亞Paul話呢隻係最後一隻歌,唔係卦,一隻Beyond o既歌都唔唱,跟住就梗係等encore啦,我已經頂唔順同我朋友一齊走~~
Super Vision Eye Formula
轉左新部門之後,成日對住部電腦,對眼越o黎越辛苦,忍唔住買左藍梅素食,都唔知得唔得o架,後尾同我表姐講開,佢話我表姊夫個家姐o係加拿大帶左呢隻藍梅素返o黎,比起香港食開o個o的好好多,而且咁大樽90粒裝都係十幾蚊加幣,可以食3個月,佢話最好邊個去開加拿大可以幫手買返10樽8樽返o黎看o下門口,當我知道時已經太遲喇,因為salad 同老爺剛剛o係o個度返o黎,下次邊個會去可以幫o下我嗎???
星期一, 10月 16, 2006
Cutie Stitch
My friend and me go to Kwai Chung Centre on Saturday. She likes the cutie accessories for Little Twin Star and Hello Kitty. When she came in a toy shop to search something, she sudden ask me to see this Stitch. This is a cusion, it looks cutie and very comfortable. The price only HK$35- This is the last one, so I brought it immediately.
Althought it was made it China, but the quality was quiet good~~~
星期三, 10月 11, 2006
Report of Body Check
SGPT/ALT: 14 IU/L 14 U/L
Triglycerides: 0.9 mmol/L 79 mg/dL
Cholesterol: 4.8 mmol/L 185 mg/dL
Alpha fetoprotein: 3.2 mg/mL
The result showing me is NORMAL.
But I feel my stomach still not comfortable and my doctor ask me to eat the stomach medicine. If I still feeling not good, he advise I need to have a checking for stomach at hospital.
Hope I feel better~~~~
SGPT/ALT: 14 IU/L 14 U/L
Triglycerides: 0.9 mmol/L 79 mg/dL
Cholesterol: 4.8 mmol/L 185 mg/dL
Alpha fetoprotein: 3.2 mg/mL
The result showing me is NORMAL.
But I feel my stomach still not comfortable and my doctor ask me to eat the stomach medicine. If I still feeling not good, he advise I need to have a checking for stomach at hospital.
Hope I feel better~~~~
Hand Bag with Black Dot
Because my friend is Birthday, she suggest to have Japanese Buffet Dinner at Causeway Bay and refer us this restaurant ~~~ ISSEI JAPANESE DINING.
I cannot believe that a Buffet Dinner can start at 5:30p.m. and end at 12:30am, the price only HK$168+10%s.c. only. There is over 100 kinds of food for choosing. The food is very fresh and special. The waiter didn't give us any black face because we have many orders and sit over 3 hours.
We can try next time~~~~
星期二, 10月 10, 2006
Body Check
Recently, my stomach feel sick from time to time. Since I have family history of liver cancer. I am very scared. My mum, Gloria, Christina, Julie,... ask me go to make a body check or checking the liver. I make an appointment tomorrow for Liver checking and Blood Checking. The nurse ask me that I cannot eat anything after dinner and my mum don't want me eat too much. She cooking a bowl of congee for me, that mean I am very hungry now~~~~~~~
I want to eat crab~~~~
Anyway, hope my body is normal~~~~~~~
I want to eat crab~~~~
Anyway, hope my body is normal~~~~~~~
星期一, 10月 09, 2006
My mum bring 3 boxes of Moon Cake for me and ask me to eat. Although I like it but cannot eat too more. She ask me to bring the St. Anna's "Bing Pei" Moon Cake for tomorrow Breakfast. I don't want eat Moon Cake from Breakfast to Dinner, so I eat for my Late nite Dinner. As I guess, "Bing Pei" Moon Cake is better than Moon Cake, the result is~~~~~ VERY SWEET AH~~~~~~~~~ Idrunk 3 cups of Tea after I finished. I don't want to eat again~~~~
星期日, 10月 08, 2006
星期五, 10月 06, 2006
I need to find a lawyer help me do something. My friend refer one in Mongkok and I had met him around two months ago and he list the price for me before. Because he is very busy and he asked his clerk to help me this time and make an appointment tonight. When I arrived the office, I didn't believe that this is a solicitor office, very small and messy. I am afraid that he will lose my important documents. But the clerk is looking so professional. Hope all things go ahead smoothly~~~~
星期三, 10月 04, 2006
I want to change my mobile phone, my 1st choice is SONY ERICSSON - model. K800i, because it can take clear photo; the 2nd choice is SONY ERICSSON - model. Z610i, because it had pretty image with blue colour. But i still paying my mobile phone because i lost it before~~~
Maybe I wait the big sale of One2Free~~~~
Maybe I wait the big sale of One2Free~~~~
星期一, 10月 02, 2006
星期日, 10月 01, 2006
Deep-Fried Fish Skin with Minced Garlic
Because I watched TV overnight, so I wake up at around 5:00pm and having my lunch at 5:45pm. I found Gloria brought the DVD of "Slience" and I want to buy it too. The shop is nearly Gloria's home, so she ask me to take a drink with her at 9:30p.m.
When I go to Starbucks, I saw "Mei Wong"and brought 2 packs of their famous food "Deep-fried Fish Skin with Minced Garlic". I think this is my dinner tonight. I arrived Starbucks at 9:00p.m. , because I'm not hungry, so I brought a cup of Cold Coffee only.
Certainly, I eat 2 packs of Fish Skin as my dinner, yummy~~~~~~~
Late Night Buffet
My mum go to a short trip these two days, that I am free; so I go with Daisy to shopping this afternoon. Around 7:00 pm, Daisy need to go home, then I go to Mongkok continue my shopping. Gloria call me that she date Julie to go Starbucks, want to join or not? Certainly go la~~~~
I arrived Starbucks around 9:15pm, many customers here , Gloria arrive and told me that Annie and Connie will come too, so we change to having a Late Night Buffet at Cafe One.
Since I came back from Taipei, this is the first time to have Buffet. Although the kind of food is less than before, but the taste is quiet good. It make me very satisfied tonight~~~
I arrived Starbucks around 9:15pm, many customers here , Gloria arrive and told me that Annie and Connie will come too, so we change to having a Late Night Buffet at Cafe One.
Since I came back from Taipei, this is the first time to have Buffet. Although the kind of food is less than before, but the taste is quiet good. It make me very satisfied tonight~~~
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